Coasters - Various
All our coasters are cork backed and have a tough, matt finish which makes them pretty good at resisting heat, water and scratches.
Choose from a selection of coasters to suit the perfect occasion:
True Friend "A true friend reaches for your hand. And puts a big gin in it."
Use A Coaster "Go wild - you only live once! But always use a coaster"
Coffee And Fizz " Start the day with coffee and finish with champagne"
Five Star Friend "Excellent friend. Would totally recommend."
Flushes "Still hot. It just comes in flushes now"
TGIB "Thank God It's Bedtime"
Best Mate "No one's as great as my best mate"
Lavender " Maybe a little lavender will reduce my stress"
Fabulous "Fabulous friend"
"Champion Dad"
Jokes "Rubbish jokes. Brilliant Dad"
Nailed It "Best Dad ever. Nailed it!"
Vitamins "There aren't many vitamins in beer so we have to drink quite a lot of it"
Still Cool "Don't worry Dad, you're still cool. It's just not as obvious"
Five Star Dad "Amazing Dad. Would Recommend"
Spreadsheets "I love spreadsheets"
Hug A Dog "Wake up, hug a dog... And have a fabulous day"
"Crazy Cat Lady"